Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oh my...I forgot that I am a blogger!

So, in the business of life, I forgot I was a blogger!  I can't believe I haven't posted since May.  That doesn't make following me one bit interesting I am afraid!  Much has happened in my crazy life.  I started this blog when I was beginning my more natural, back to basics, homesteading lifestyle.  I have had some crazy twists...a little thing called kids. ;)  We added one to our nest.  No new babies, unfortunately.  We have a wonderful Danish exchange student.  How fun life has been get to learn all about a different culture.  Having her has been such a blessing.  We are now enjoying advent in a whole new way.  Advent is a "big deal" in Denmark nightly gifts throughout the season.  Something tells me it will be a big deal in our home from now on.  We have learned things like...if smoke blows in your face around the campfire you should hold up your thumb and say, "I hate rabbits."  We have learned that band-aids are sometimes called plaster...she cut her leg shaving the second week she was here and we had no idea what she was asking for until we saw BLOOD!  We have learned that Disney videos are REALLY fun to watch in other languages.  Most of all we have learned that opening your heart and your home to an exchange student can be as much of blessing to a host family as it can to the student.  I am so thrilled to have our Danish daughter with us this holiday season and only dread the day in June when we have to send her home. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

More Rain...REALLY???

I don't have much to report on the home front these days.  As my gardening should be in full swing but, the rain won't stop long enough for us to get our garden tilled.  I have potatoes and onions planted so far.  I am not sure how well my potatoes are doing.  I planted them in a special way, under layers of straw.  My chickens seem to be very interested in my potatoes these days.  I find them scratching about often.  I am beginning to wonder if I will ever be able to plant tomatoes in my new tomatoe cages.  I had so looked foward to planting this spring.  I was going to try intensive gardening.  This is a method where you plant everything close together in little plots.  The idea is to discourage weeds.  This idea sounded refreshing.  Weeds always seem to take over my gardens toward the end of summer.  Now I am hoping to simply plant anything in anyway.  Unfortunetly the only thing in my garden so far are onions, potatoes(I hope) and of course...weeds!  Happy planting to the rest of the world!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Will it Ever Be Enough?

It is Monday and I was hoping to post something interesting every Monday.  I think I may be challenged this week.  I don't feel all that interesting.  I found a wonderful little shop today just 5 miles from my home.  It is a natural cures and products store.  I was so excited to find such a place.  I have been traveling nearly 45 minuted to find organic solutions to our healthier lifestyle.  This store was a true gem.  I have been wanting to move toward more homeopathic solutions and up until today, it was so inconvenient to even get started.  No more excuses.  Now I have to decide where to start.  When I started this blog my lifestyle was so very different.  I was proud to put a boxed meal on the table instead of fast food.  I thought I would make some bread.  That must be healthier then store bought.  Now I am concerned with soaking and sprouting.  I have learned the hazards of store bought milk.  I no longer want to use deodorant and baking soda with aluminum in it.  I have done anything but simplify my life yet I wouldn't change a thing.  So as I travel down the road of probiotics and natural cures, health foods and organic options I hope you will read along.  Share your knowledge and comment on my adventure.  I think I will be done posting for now, as my husband is reading over my shoulder and obviously wanting my attention.  Duty calls.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring is Coming!!!

A friend wrote on her Facebook status today, " Our past is a a springboard for our future."  My last post was a Debbie Downer, wasn't it?   This isn't my usual attitude about life especially publically.  I am very good about putting on a happy face.  Not to be false or fake.  It is just generally the way I approach life.  Happy is a better choice for me.  I compare myself to a duck, things slide right off my back in general.  Although, I suppose i am occasionally like a skunk. I hold in my stink.  I blow up all at once and then i am over it!  Anyway, thank you for your prayers and support.  I am springboarding back into my life as a hobby farming, homeschooling, stay-at-home, Bible toting, husband loving, bread baking, mother of three (and sometimes 6 or 7 if a friend is in need)! 

Is anyone else excited about spring?  I am.  I can't wait for God's rebirth of nature we experience each year. God's blessings are around us throughout the year.  I think in spring it is so clear the abudance of His love and geneorosity. All we need he provides through His creation.  I am ready for new life and moving ahead with our new/old ways. Here on the farm we are excited to be welcoming new goats, bunnies, and chickens on the farm.  I am excited what the prospect of goats milk will bring to my kitchen.  The possibility of goat cheese and soap and other products are spinning in my head like visions of sugar plums!  We are also exploring the possibility of tapping our maple trees.  We are wondering if any of you have experience with this?  We would like to make our own syrup, but as with any other new adventure we seek out advice of knowledgable persons.  I am also commited to start soaking and sproating my grains this spring.  i have been taking babysteps along my process and I haven't tackled this yet.  I have been following Laurie's blog closely, Proverb's 31 Woman, Kitchen Stewardship and Heavenly Homemaker, all of these blog's provide beautiful insight to the process.  They also show detailed pictures and I now feel comfortable enough to give it a try.  I also am going to find a sourdough bread we like.  Why not?  I will have nothing better to do, right? Honestly, that might be a summer project, but a gal can be hopeful! So help me out and send me your favorite recipes and links, PLEASE!!! :)

I am looking for comments here followers!!!!  What is going into your gardens this spring?  What are your favorite varieties?  How much do you plant?  Should I be starting seeds or wait and buy plants?  Opinions from everyone! Techniques for weed control!!!! This was huge last year!  Tips for planting, composting, fertilizing, and organic pest control are much needed. Also, strawberries...can I transplant this spring and have any hope for a crop?  What about my blackberries and rasberries???  I am interested to hear what my friends overseas do too!  My kids love hearing from you.  We find it so interesting comparing and contrasting the likes and differences of our countries!   Tell us about your growing seasons.  What you plant and your favorite veggies!!! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

In Times of Trials

Dear Readers,
Our community has been dealing with a lot of death and disease in the last three weeks.  A 19 year old girl had been trying to raise funds for a lung transplant.  She was working hard with the community and her family but unfortunately, it was too little too late for young Makenzie.  Please pray for the Diekoff family.  A dear family friend of ours lost his six year battle with liver cancer on February 14th a few short days after his 41st birthday.  James leaves behind a wife and two young children.  Please pray for Kris, Kensi, and Kyle.  That same week, February 16th, a very close friend had to have 75% of her liver removed.  She is just beginning her battle with cancer.  She is in her early 30's.  I stayed with her four young children much of the last two weeks while her husband stayed with her at the hospital as much as he could.  They are 10, 7, 5, and 8 months.  Please be in prayer for Monica and her husband and children as she begins her chemo and radiation treatments.  Another friend of mine was killed Friday morning in a freak automobile accident.  She leaves behind a husband and two daughters 13 and 11.  Also Friday night a man fell from a high school gym bleachers striking his head and never regained consciousness.  Please pray for the Moffett and Moeller families.  It has been over a year since my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  Each day is a new adventure for my family especially my mother.  Alzheimer's is a horrible disease and it is emotionally draining.  Please pray for my family.  I find it especially hard to deal with when I am emotionally spent from all the other crazy things life throws at me.  One thing I know is that the power of prayer is stronger then any disease, any situation, or any tragedy.  God is there.  He never leaves us!  So, I am going viral and asking for your love and support this week and the upcoming month of March.  Please help the above families with the  gift of prayer.  Thank you in advance.  May God bless you for blessing others.