Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Loving the snow

What does snow in the country mean?  For our family it means quiet family time at home.  It has been an amazing week so far.  We have done a lot of cleaning and decorating.  Our fall has been so busy I actually look forward to having stuck at home days.  We have caught up on all those chores that have been waiting to get done.  Tomorrow we will begin baking cookies for Christmas.  I am looking forward to the smells that will permeate throughout our home.  Cinnamon, vanilla, peppermint, and hopefully there will not be the smell of burnt cookie!  I have been think a lot about food storage lately.  As the New Year approaches my husband and I have committed to building a supply of food for our family.  I was hoping to be farther along in the process of becoming more self sustaining. We have our own chickens. We have been eating meat raised on our farm.  Unfortunately my garden failed me this year.  I am not surprised.  I have somewhat of a black thumb.  I received bean seeds and kefir from a dear friend today.  I am so excited to plant the seeds!  They keifer we have used with great success to make a fermented drink for our family. I have also taken up sewing with my daughter.  We are making great strides.  There is so much to do and to prepare for on our little farm.  But for an instant  I am going to enjoy the peaceful days of winter and being with my kids and husband.  God has truely blessed us.

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