Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fresh Strawberries!

Well, a new adventure again today, strawberry shortcake. Oh my, was it good. I am hoping to post some pictures. Possibly even the recipe!!! What do you think? Would you like the recipes to some of the products I am making?
This recipe is a find. About a month ago I started searching for the perfect rolling pin. You can't find the nice big ones anymore. If you do, they are at kitchen stores and coat an arm and a leg. So, my husband's grandmother has been in the nursing home for 5 years. He decided to call his aunt and ask if Grandma had a rolling pin. Well, what a blessing his aunt was. She not only offered the rolling pin but anything else that would help me with my new cooking adventure. So, we picked up some pans, a wonderful large bowl, the rolling pin, some measuring utensils, and most importantly two binders filled with recipes grandma had collected. My daughter treasures this find. She searches through the pages and finds things that she would like to bake like great grandma. She so far has made the short cake and crunchy cookies. I have to admit the recipes are my favorite too. Most are clipped out of the newspaper. Grandma has marked many of them good or very good. Some are hand written by other people. One is even written on a guest check from a restaurant. The ones we find especially pleasing are the ones written by grandma. These are the ones that connect my daughter to her heritage. To where she came from. I imagine a few were passed from a few generations. Several nights I have flipped through the pages, carefully rubbing my hand across the page. It is as if I am trying to "channel" what was going through her mind when she collected a section of about 12 zucchini recipes. I smile and think to myself, it must have been a bumper crop that year. I think of other things too. Like what legacy am I leaving for my children. I dare say that this special time my daughter and I are spending in the kitchen will be forever some of her favorite memories. When I think about what connected me to my parents and grandparents it isn't the big moments that always come to mind. It is what they were doing when they didn't even realize I was watching. It was sitting in my grandpa's easy chair watching "Little House on the Prarie" together. Even when Alzheimer's had taken most of his memories away, when I walked in his hospital room before he died he perked up and said there is my 1/2 pint. I remember watching as my other grandma would tad. She tried to teach me once. I so wanted to learn. I now wish I would have had the patience. She died the summer before I was married. But, not before she had finished the hankerchief for my wedding bouquet. It is those little things I want my daughter to remember about our family. I want the other woman in our family to share these memories too. I think a cookbook honoring Grandma is in order for an upcoming Christmas. I can't think of a more suiting gift then a little piece of your heritage.


  1. I love reading your posts. My great grandma was really special to me. I have such fond memories of her baking and cooking in her little kitchen. I wish I could have her baking dishes and rolling pin. What a wonderful gift to continue the love flowing, first from her kitchen and now yours. Please post more pictures too. I love seeing the work of your hands. XOX

  2. Thanks to recipe of the day has Grandma's Strawberry Shortcake recipe. It was so easy! Please feel free to share it with your Proverbs 31 ladies. We spread strawberry preserves on it word..YUMMY!!!!
